Saturday, September 29, 2007

OK so...something was telling me not to ride my bike up to Culver City tonight with a backpack full of records to Aho, Sieben, Millard & Kadel's art show at Lab 101.
strike 1 - backpack full of heavy records don't feel nice on the freeway
strike 2 - couldn't play those records because of no music permit
strike 3 - this is the good one....

riding home...feeling good the whole way home, making good time. until...
the lakewood exit offramp, my exit off the 405 where i was a little wide and hit some gravel that sent me off the fucking road down into the bushes and trees and dirt and rocks and shit. backpack flew off as i flew off the back of the bike before the trees and the bottom of the little ravine. so much crazy shit going on in your head as you're about to eat some dirt i tell ya.
miraculously i wasn't hurt too bad...maybe a bruised rib? a nice shin bash, neck? hmmmm yeah that too. waiting for sarah to come and get my check out at the emergency room...woo hoo.
thanks god for letting me slide this time, i owe you one...ok several IOU's

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

for this is my blood...

Monday, September 24, 2007

dj exclusive and i @ cheapshot's wednesday the 26th of septemeber
going to be spinning rockers style reggae music vibe all night...

and then...
thursday @ the red room w/ special guest? be there.

Friday, September 21, 2007

today is the first day of the fall...and it's supposed to rain? the sky looks blue

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

and now it's time to say goodbye, to the summer...go listen to stella blues

Monday, September 17, 2007